How to get squirrels out of your attic
Whether you’re a homeowner or have access to an attic, you’ve probably heard of the dreadful possibility of squirrels entering an attic. Although this isn’t a guaranteed occurrence, it’s more common than you may realize, and being prepared for the day a group of squirrels might enter your attic will save you time and money.
On the other hand, if you already have had squirrels in your attic, then you understand the importance of being educated on the matter. No matter the situation, it’s always a good idea to know what to do in case a group of squirrels decide to run rampant through your attic.
For those of you who are currently dealing with squirrels in your attic and are looking for answers on the matter, look no further. We’re going to highlight exactly how you can permanently get squirrels out of your attic.
It might seem like a daunting task, but it's a bit easier than you might expect. Be sure to utilize all of the information below, regardless if you have squirrels in your attic or not. You never know when something like this might happen to you, and if you currently are dealing with it, then you understand how big of a nuisance it is. Let's get started!
Live Trapping and Tips
Before you begin your mission to eliminate the squirrels from your attic, there are a few things you need to realize beforehand. First of all, squirrels aren't like most rodents, which can be efficiently dealt with by using a poison of some kind. Even with the humane questioning of rodent poison aside, there isn't a poison that could even do it in the first place.
When it comes to squirrels, the only way to properly get them out of your attic is with live traps. Live traps can be bought online or at your local pet store.
They act as a cage that traps the squirrel inside. This makes it easy for you to grab the cage and quickly relocate the squirrel wherever appropriate. Let's take a closer look at traps and tips surrounding squirrels in your attic.

Single Trap
Since squirrels are a bit too large for multi-traps, single traps are the best to use. They’re safe, easy to use, and can make it possible for you to easily remove them from your attic.
Be sure to compare a few different single traps to see which one is best for you. An employee at a local pet store should be able to point you in the right direction, but remember to use online resources if need be.
The traps tend to be around the same size since squirrels are all relatively the same size. However, if you have a specific kind of squirrel in your attic, then definitely look for traps for that particular kind of squirrel. However, in general, you should be fine using a standard trap.
All you have to do is place the trap in your attic and wait for it to work. At some point, the squirrels will enter the trap. You can also purchase some bait that’s meant for squirrels to entice them into the trap.
Squirrel Repellent
Outside of traps, several companies offer actual squirrel repellents. The repellents are offered as either a chemical or ultrasonic variation. Both seem to work pretty effectively, but have a different advantage from one another.
Chemical repellents seem to work better than ultrasonic ones. Still, there's the harmful notion attached to anything being deemed a chemical. Always be mindful of something that can potentially do more harm than good. However, for the most part, chemical repellents should be safe to use.
Ultrasonic repellents work effectively against squirrels in most cases, but they tend to be a lot more expensive in comparison to their chemical counterparts. If you’re looking for something that won’t harm your house in any way, an ultrasonic repellent is definitely the way to go.
Wear Protection
This is a bit self-explanatory, but always wear protection whenever you handle anything related to rodents of any kind. Not doing so can run the risk of you getting injured or exposed to diseases.
It's always in your best interest to take the proper measures necessary to ensure your own safety. Yes, you need to get the job done and rid your attic of squirrels, but you need to be smart about it.
A simple pair of rodent handling gloves should work perfectly for you. If you don’t have proper handling gloves, using a thick pair of gloves should work. Just make sure you wash the gloves after you use them.
Relocate Squirrels
Once the squirrel or squirrels are trapped, your next step is to relocate them. You don't want to release them by your house since they'll come right back into your attic if you do.
Your best option is to drive them to a nearby local park. You don’t want to drive too far where they’re not familiar with the habitat around them, but make sure you’re not too close to your home.
Squirrels are a lot smarter than you might realize, and they'll find a way to venture back to your attic. Just don't do anything that'll hinder their ability to live a comfortable life by taking them somewhere they're not familiar with.
Prevent Squirrel Entry
Once you have removed the squirrels from your attic, you need to make sure that they or other squirrels can't re-enter your attic. There are a variety of ways that a squirrel can enter your attic, but it's in your best interest to prevent them from re-entering.
It might seem a bit tedious to go through every option surrounding their ability to get into your attic, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. It’s impossible to pinpoint exactly how they get in, which is why it’s better to run through every scenario.
Trim Tree Branches
A lot of the time, squirrels get into your attic from a tree branch. Since an attic is at the highest point of a house, squirrels can jump from the tree branch directly over to the roof into the attic.
Whether they're doing it intentionally or unintentionally, it's one of the main ways that they get into your attic to begin with. Removing tree branches is time consuming, but it is a great way to prevent squirrels from entering your attic.
Remove Objects Hanging Next To Your Home
Other than getting into your attic from a branch, it’s possible for squirrels to enter your attic from an object from your home. Although this isn’t as common, it’s still a possibility. Make sure you don’t have any unnecessary objects like ladders hanging near your home.
Having particularly tall objects near your home like ladders will grant a perfect walkway for squirrels to get into your attic. Even if you're positive you don't have something like that around your house, make sure to check anyways.
Wear Protection
This is a bit self-explanatory, but always wear protection whenever you handle anything related to rodents of any kind. Not doing so can run the risk of you getting injured or exposed to diseases.
It's always in your best interest to take the proper measures necessary to ensure your own safety. Yes, you need to get the job done and rid your attic of squirrels, but you need to be smart about it.
A simple pair of rodent handling gloves should work perfectly for you. If you don’t have proper handling gloves, using a thick pair of gloves should work. Just make sure you wash the gloves after you use them.
Other Points To Consider
Outside of removing the squirrels and preventing them from coming back into your attic, there are a couple of other points to consider. Your main point of concern should be your safety, removing them, and preventing them from coming back.
Remove Food Source
Another point to consider is a potential food source for squirrels. If you have a bird feeder or something squirrels are interested in, it can cause an attraction for nearby squirrels to check out your property.
Once they're interested in a food source, it increases their chance of entering your attic. Thus, it’s important to consider removing a potential food source that's on your property.
Double-Check Everything
Wherever you are in the process of removing squirrels from your attic, make sure you double-check everything in the once you’re finished. Make sure all of the squirrels are removed, everything is sealed, and all entry points are eliminated.
Since you’re going to put a lot of time into this, you might as well make sure everything is okay to move forward. Trying to rush the process might cause you more harm down the line.
We hope you enjoyed our guide on how to get squirrels out of your attic permanently. Regardless if you have squirrels in your attic or not, it’s always useful information to know. You never know when something like this might occur.