How to get bats out of your walls

When bats are found in a home, they are considered to be pests because of their habits. In some places, it’s only common to find a bat in your home. Usually they are located in attics, chimneys, or in the walls. It can be troublesome to have them around the house, so it’s best to get rid of them before they start to multiply.
Compared to other small animals entering your home, bats can be quite a chore to deal with. It can take a while before you get used to it, but as long as you follow each step carefully, you will definitely be able to succeed in one go.
It’s best for the health of your property to get rid of bats as soon as you find them. Here are a few steps to follow in order to safely get bats out of your home.
Inspect the entire property
The first step is to inspect your home. Once you find a bat in your home, it’s important to check everywhere else to find their hiding spot. Bats can be staying in various places in your home, sometimes in places you’d least expect them to be. They often reside close to food sources like insects and plants, in darker locations of the home that are mostly untouched, or in warmer spots of the home.
Locate the possible entry points

Once you’ve found their possible hiding spot, it’s time to find where they come in and out from. A tip in finding the entry points is by looking out for bat tracks or greasy brown marks around the holes. These could be either on the roof or the sides of the home. The entry points are likely going to be somewhere they may easily fly to and from.
Look for other areas where bats may possibly stay
Although you may have found where the bats have been living, it’s still important for you to look for other potential places. Different bats will have different habits when it comes to hibernating and birthing. It may be possible that there are other bats taking shelter in other parts of the home that you haven’t searched for.
Exclude the bats from the property

Once these are all found, you can bring the bats out from your home. Take note that excluding them from the property is not the same as trapping them. Exclusion involves the use of one-way tubes and netting which will be placed on the entry holes to keep the bats from coming back in once they are brought outside. You can also set repellents to direct them to these excluders.
Cover up their entry points entirely
You should seal up any holes or entry points once all the bats have been removed. Depending on what you have to seal, you can make use of different sturdy materials. It’s important to make sure the materials you use to seal off these entry points are strong enough to withstand bats when they attempt to tear it down.
Keep your space clean

Lastly, make sure to clean up after. The wastes that come from a bat infestation can damage your home. To keep it from causing any more trouble, disinfect areas and dispose of affected rugs, furniture, and other items after the bats have left the property. When cleaning, be sure to wear gloves and a face mask since bat droppings can easily transmit diseases.