How to get Chipmunks out of your Garden

It is well known that chipmunks are very destructive to our garden and lawn, but they are cute and furry. The Eastern Chipmunk is the smallest among the member of the squirrel family. The chipmunk size ranges from 8-10 inches. Chipmunks are usually ground dwellers, but for food and protection, they climb trees and bushes whenever they need to. Three dark back stripes can be seen on its red-brown fur.
Chipmunks are very alert to danger and move very quickly. Chipmunks prefer to move in open forest areas, where many food-producing trees and shrubs are available. Chipmunks are often attracted to flowers, gardens, food, and bush protection and the various types of landscaping. It is only because of this nature that its appearance threatens the well-being of a home. That is why homeowners do not like the presence of this cute, playful little creature on their property.
Chipmunks eat cereals (maize), nuts (acorns), insects (caterpillars), seeds (sunflower or other seeds in a birdseed mix), mushrooms, and a rare item on the chipmunk's menu, some carrion (dead animal tissue).
Some home remedies to reduce or eliminate the presence of chipmunks in your garden include:
First, to stop chipmunks from ruining your flowers, add two tablespoons of cayenne pepper to a quarter of boiling water. Let the mixture cool off then drain the liquid with a cheesecloth. Put the drained liquid in a spray bottle and then spray the buds when they start to bloom.
Second, take black pepper, cayenne pepper, whole chilies, and mix them together in a blender. Mix these ingredients in a watering can already filled with water. Carefully saturate the soil around the base of the plants with this fiery solution. It is also an effective way to prevent chipmunks from destroying the flowering plants.
Last, mix a tablespoon of liquid dish soap and the same amount of natural Baar castor oil using a blender. Mix these ingredients to a consistency like shaving cream. Then mix six tablespoons of water into the mixture and stir again. Get two gallons of water in a watering container, and add two tablespoons of this mixture and mix well. Sprinkle this mixture carefully over the holes in your yard and the garden space. It is an effective repellent against chipmunks.